LEMON CREAM VEGAN レモンクリーム / ヴィーガン 90g
¥1,980 tax included
*Earliest delivery date is 9/22(Sun) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
Shipping fee is not included. More information.
LEMON CREAM VEGANは、自然由来の材料だけを使ったヴィーガンフレンドリーなレモンクリームです。香り高いレモンの風味が口の中に広がり、爽やかなクリーミーさと絶妙な甘さが絶妙なバランスを生み出します。朝食のトーストやデザートに添えるのはもちろん、お菓子作りにも活用できる万能なアイテムです。
LEMON CREAM VEGAN is a vegan-friendly lemon cream made with all-natural ingredients. The fragrant lemon flavor lingers in the mouth, creating a perfect balance of refreshing creaminess and exquisite sweetness. It is a versatile product that can be served with breakfast toast and desserts, as well as used in baking.
This Lemon Cream is handcrafted from carefully selected ingredients. No pesticides or chemical additives are used, and only the bounty of nature is packed into this safe product. It is delicious on its own, but we also recommend using it in dishes to suit your taste.
Simple and waste-free production method that minimizes food loss
原材料名:有機無調整豆乳(大豆を含む)(国内製造)、有機ココナッツオイル、キビ糖、レモン(広島県産)、黒糖 / 着色料(ターメリック)
Ingredients: Organic unadulterated soy milk (containing soybeans) (made in Japan), organic coconut oil, millet sugar, lemon (from Hiroshima Prefecture), brown sugar/colorant (turmeric).
Contents: 90g
Shelf life: Within 3 months from date of production
Storage method: Refrigeration required (below 10℃) (can be frozen)
※サイズ違いあり 55g 1,296円(税込)
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¥1,980 tax included